Tuesday 9 – 11:30 a.m.
Thursday 9 – 11:30 a.m.
For registration information please contact pre3s@sandhurstcoop.org
4710 N.E. 70th Street
Seattle, WA 98115
Pre-3s are children turning three during the school year (aged 24 to 35 months as of August 31). The children begin to learn more about cooperation in a group as they continue to enjoy circle time, table top activities, block area, sensory experiences, music and art.
Child-lead Transitions from one activity to next are emphasized. Parents attend one session per week with their child.
Our Teacher
Beth Graham is truly looking forward to being your child’s teacher this year and getting to know your family.
Teacher Beth’s cooperative preschool journey began with her own experiences as a coop parent with her children in a Toddlers classroom. In her life before being a mom, she received her Master’s in Teaching from Seattle University. For ten years, she had the pleasure of being an elementary school teacher in the Lake Washington School District. Her focus, after becoming a parent, has shifted to Early Childhood Education. She has been a coop preschool teacher in Seattle since 2018.
She strives to create a warm and engaging environment where the children feel adored and comfortable trying new things. It is her hope that the first school experience that your child has sets them up for a love of school, learning, and curiosity. She is passionate about music, process-based art, and play based learning.
Class Details
The Pre-3s class meets on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuition is $132 per month.
Last updated: July 31st, 2023, 11:10 am
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