Monday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
(206) 545-9110 wallingfordcooppreschool.org
5019 Keystone Pl N
Seattle, WA 98103
The Wallingford Pre-3s Class meets Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. Children in class must be 2 years old by August 31st of that year.
Children in this program are just beginning to separate from parents and become their own selves and the classroom focus is creating a trusting and caring environment for these young ones. Skill building includes having a schedule and managing transitions, using words instead of the body as a method of interaction, increasing the vocabulary to do so and allowing the time for children to practice the skills they are learning, whether with peers or simply washing their hands. Lots of hugs and songs are included with the joy of play.
Pre-3s Class Schedule:
9:00-10:15 Free Choice Area Play
10:15-10:20 Pick-up
10:20-10:40 Small Group and Snack
10:40-11:05 Outside Play
11:05-11:10 Pick-up and Wash Hands for Circle Time
11:10-11:30 Circle Time and Goodbye Song
Our Teacher – Elise Knox
Elise thoroughly enjoyed participating in co-op preschool as a parent for 13 years, the last 9 of which were spent at Wallingford. While her kids were ready to move on after their coop years, Elise found that she wasn’t! It was exciting for her to transition into teaching, and she finds her many years of coop preschool experience to be an invaluable resource. She has taught a Parent/Infant class, Pre-3’s, 3-4’s, and PreK children. Elise studied psychology at Washington State University and is devoted to the pursuit of educational opportunities that enhance her proficiency both in and out of the classroom. Elise lives in the West Woodland neighborhood with her lively family of 6. She is deeply involved at West Woodland Elementary where she runs the Enrichment Program. As time allows, she enjoys adventuring in the PNW, reading, supporting her kids in their many endeavors, and spending time with friends and family.
Teacher Elise believes in the coop preschool model because it supports families and allows children to learn through play in a safe and encouraging environment. When children learn through play, their learning is meaningful and relevant. For this reason, play is at the heart of the school day in the 3-5’s class. Children who are engaged in free play will naturally “bump into” one another and will learn much in the process. Children will develop and fine-tune social skills; grow in emotional awareness; become creative problem solvers; make progress in controlling impulses; persevere through disappointment and rejection; and gain practice in coping with strong feelings. Children will take creative, social, and physical risks; make mistakes; and try again in the context of a warm and supportive classroom community. Enticing art, science, and other areas of study are thoughtfully prepared with the children’s development in mind. Teacher Elise’s warm, calm, and engaging demeanor puts the children at ease. The connection she forms with each child lets them know that they are each an important part of their classroom community.
Last updated: January 27th, 2025, 08:31 pm
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