Wondering how to choose the right school for your family?
Join us on Zoom to hear from a panel of parents, kindergarten teachers, parent educators and other experts about:
- School choices – public, private, homeschool, nano-school, outdoor school
- Child preparedness – kindergarten readiness checklist, coping with transitions, tips for online school success
- Parent preparedness – Seattle Public Schools application
process, school tour timelines - Impact of COVID-19 – school safety measures, virtual school,
learning pods
Panelists will include Kindergarten teachers (public school and co-op), Co-op Parent Educators, parents, a social worker, and more.
For questions, please contact kristina.weidert@seattlecolleges.edu.
This event is free and open to everyone. For families who are able, please consider donating to our Co-op COVID Relief Fund/Scholarship Fund so that our co-ops can offer quality programs and support to families during this time of crisis. Donations help keep co-op preschools accessible to people of all socioeconomic levels and help keep co-op preschools going where enrollment is low.