Anti-Bias Speaker Series: Conversations with Children: Let’s Talk About Race and Racism

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Anti-Bias Speaker Series: Conversations with Children: Let’s Talk About Race and Racism
April 3, 2021 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Conscious Parenting: Teaching Young Children Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
MPCP is hosting this three part, anti-bias speaker series in an effort to provide a forum for education and discussion for parents of young children as well as anyone hoping to better understand or advocate for members of their community.
- WHEN: February, March and April (see below for date/time details)
- WHO: This series is open to anyone interested in the topics being covered.
- WHERE: Zoom Video Conferencing
Conversations with Children: Let’s Talk About Race and Racism
April 3, 2021 @ 4:30 pm
Jamie Cho, Ph.D.
Parent educator at two Seattle-based cooperative preschools
Jamie Cho is a parent educator at two cooperative preschools through Seattle Central College and Bellevue College. She holds a Ph.D. in special education from U.C. Berkeley and her research has focused on cultural beliefs around parenting. Jamie has worked previously as an early interventionist with young children with autism spectrum disorders as well as served as an educational researcher at UCLA and teacher educator at California State Universities. She lives in Bellevue WA with her husband and three children, ages 12, 10 and 7.
This conversation will center race and how to talk with children and answer their questions about racial differences and racism. Children’s understanding of racial categories develop early and are influenced by the narratives offered by the adults in their lives. It is vital that adults are having conversations with children as they try to make sense of what they are observing in their family, neighborhoods, schools, and communities. Through these conversations, families have the power to raise a generation of critical thinkers who strive for social justice and equity.
See Madison Park Co-op’s website for full details.