Understanding Children: Changing Learning Environments
One is for anyone who’s interested in figuring out how to help kids (and ourselves) get back to in-person activities, and the other is specifically for past and current co-op families who are either missing the supportive community of coop or would like access to more support.
Understanding Children 21101 FAM 184-D1 will be an asynchronous class where you’ll have an opportunity to talk and learn about reintegration after the pandemic. We’re designing it to help support adults and children with the transition back to in-person learning.
Understanding Children 21102 FAM 184-D2 is a class specially designed for current and past coop families. We will do some of the work asynchronously online, and we’ll have opportunities to meet on Zoom together for discussions throughout the quarter. The focus will also be the transition back to in-person learning.
Please consider joining us in either, or both, of these classes this April. These are both 5 credit classes, and you can choose to audit if you’re concerned about workload, although most of the assignments will be class discussions to support one another.
Contact Beth Goss with questions beth.goss@seattlecolleges.edu